
Saturday, July 7, 2012

.ministry week.

I only have a few minutes to update this from my phone, so this may be brief. Please be sure to check our twitter feed for more updates (@EdenGearUp). Let me assure the parents of students in the group of seven that they will come home as expert cleaners and gardeners. They worked mainly with an organization called The Hut which was a house for families who are in need of a place o stay while they try to find other housing. They worked really hard, and it was so rewarding to see the fruits of their labour right away. Today they had a park day where they face painted, made balloon animals, and ajosiah was an adorable clown on stilts! The four square group was dispersed into four different community organizations for the first few days this week. They cleaned, organized, sorted clothes and food and office supplies, and did day camp. We also had the opportunity to make and hand out sandwiches to homeless people. We all had some great conversations with some people and got to pray with and for a few of them. We delivered flyers to the houses around CCM, which was a great cardio workout climbing all those stairs! We also gave away free roses and were able to bless and pray for many people. Today we gave away free water, brochures, pamphlets, books, and Bibles at a metro stop (in a neighbourhood where many immigrants live). We had some awesome connections ther as well. I have been continually impressed with everyone's willingness and joy at striking up conversations with people to share the faith, hope, and love of Jesus. I think a highlight for most of the team was worshipping on Mount Royal. We were able to bless a group of people there who were celebrating the birthday of a friend of theirs who had been murdered a few months ago. They were so grateful for us. It was also great to see the Manafos (who are with the church we served last year). Please pray for us over the next few days as we say goodbye to our churches and process what god has been doing this past week

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

.Share Jesus & Compassion Days.

Yesterday and today were "Share Jesus Day" and "Compassion Day"
We went to a nearby park to face paint, make balloon animals, play soccer, and share the love of Jesus with the people in the park. Unfortunately, our supplies arrived an hour after we did. That didn't stop our team! We prayed together, and then throughout the afternoon they took turns interceding in prayer in pairs of 2 or 3. The rest of the team spread out to talk to all the parents in the park to let them know what we'd be doing (and not freak them out about playing with their kids). Thankfully Hannah had bought facepaint before we left, so we were able to get that going, and pretty soon we had kids lined up to get their faces painted. The team played soccer with a bunch of kids and lots of tag too. We were able to have some great conversations with the kids and with their parents.

This afternoon we spread out to 5 different ministries in the city to learn about the realities facing the marginalized people groups in Montreal. Each group had a different experience and have different stories to tell, but overall it was eye-opening and really positive.

Please continue to pray for us, for positivity and unity as we become more tired.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

.Canada day = moving day.

Today we got to visit our church partners. The group of seven got to go to a camp for the afternoon. They played soccer with some kids and enjoyed conversing with people over delicious BBQ.
The four square group went to a charismatic church service. It was so refreshing to experience worship in ways that many team members had not previously known. We were blessed by words of encouragement and intense prayer for us and our ministry in Montreal.

In most of Quebec, July 1 is moving day. CCM had distributed flyers to the neighbourhood asking if people needed help moving. Only three people responded, so we tried to help them. Unfortunately, our help was not really utilized due to some miscommunications, but the team was willing! And apparently rather than help people move, Colin ate a lot of cake. And Chelsea was a good translator for Colin and Ben D. (I heard pieces of this story, so I'm sorry for not being clear on the details.)

We've spent some time evaluating our levels of faith, hope and love (the theme of SOAR this year) and sharing them with each other. Please pray that God will fill us especially in he areas in which we are lacking. We believe that he will do it and use us to share faith, hope and love with those around us. There has been so much more that has happened, much laughter and connections. I would love to share, but it's almost lights out. Thank you for your prayers, and be sure to ask people about the epic ninja battle between Josh and Drew when we get back.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

.ministry assignment.

We have received our ministry assignments for our time in Montreal. We are so blessed for our team to be serving with 2 different churches.

The "Group of Seven" will be working with "L'Intersection" in the community of Terrebonne, alongside a team from Quebec.
This church is very connected with existing organisations in their community and are building relationships and serving in practical ways to open up opportunities to share about Jesus.

Here are some of their prayer requests:
- pray for effective preparation, planning and involvement of the members of L'Intersection
- pray for opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with those you will meet and for the Kingdom's impact through our service projects
- pray that people will come to know God and his love for them
- pray for the different teams that will be serving at l'Intersection
- pray for SOAR participants to connect with people from the church
- pray that your service will have a positive and lasting impact on the community

The Group of Seven will be working with local organizations and community groups helping with practical renos as well as building relationships with people. They will also do some park ministry, connecting with children in the neighbourhood with crafts and games. They will also mix in times of prayer and intercession every day.

The rest of the team will be working alongside Centre Chretien Metropolitain (CCM). It is located in Rosemont- Petite patrie which has one of the highest population densities in the city. While it is predominantly French speaking, there are many immigrants in the neighbourhood, including Hispanic and Italian communities. We will also be working in Pac-Extension which is a low-income neighbourhood mainly made up of immigrant families.

We will work alongside local organisations which provide practical services to the people in these neighbourhoods. We will be doing renos and painting, and maybe even gardening, as well as a day camp for children (most of whom speak French). We'll also spend time in prayer and intercession every day. There will be some times of handing out roses and brochures, as well as park ministry.

Here are some ways you can pray:
- pray that God will provide teammates for Yves (who runs this ministry all year)
- pray that God will prepare the hearts of everyone we will meet
- pray for non-believers to know Jesus
- pray that your service will have a positive impact on the community

Both of our groups will be doing similar types of ministry in slightly different locations, but every evening we will come back together and share about our days together. We look forward to serving God in these ways!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

.next meetings.

We had a change in schedule for our next meeting, and since a few of you are not part of our facebook group, I'm posting it here again.
Our next meeting will now be Monday June 18. It is at Madi's grandparents' place, so ask her or me for the address.
Our last meeting before we head to Montreal is June 27, and it is at Lauren's place. For more details, talk to me.

Also, a quick reminder: the yard sale will be on June 23 at 4 Faye Crescent, I believe from 8-12, but it's wise to be there earlier. Don't forget to advertise in church bulletins, with friends, family, etc.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

.out of province insurance.

This is an update on the out-of-province insurance required for our trip.
I was misinformed regarding the DSBN's rates, and instead of being a fairly reasonable $1.55 per day, it's actually $5.75 per day.
This does not seem reasonable, so I have gotten a quote from CAA. For our 11 day trip, it will cost $13.31 in out-of-province insurance. I would advise you to get insurance through them, if you do not already have coverage. You do not need to be a member with them first.
Please photocopy your health card and out-of-province insurance for me. Thank you!

Monday, May 14, 2012

.packing list.

□ Canadian participants should bring a copy of your birth certificate and health card for your leader.
□ You are responsible for any medical costs during SOAR MontrĂ©al. If you do not have coverage, you can purchase it through CAA.
□ Prescription medications and especially those that need to be refrigerated. Prescriptions brought to SOAR MontrĂ©al must be in their original packaging, with original prescriptions.
□ Allergies (food or medication). MB MISSION will accommodate for severe allergies such as peanut allergies, but is unable to accommodate dietary preferences. We encourage you to bring snacks, dietary supplements or meal replacement bars/powders.
□ We invite you to join in our Technology Fast! We want to take a break from our digital life and shift our attention to God and team.  Do not bring cell phones, laptops, iPods, etc.  You may bring cameras and video cameras.
□ Team Leaders will have cell phones for emergency situations. We will email the parents our numbers before we leave, along with an emergency number for SOAR.
□ Clothing:  Bring 6-8 changes of clothing. We will be doing laundry once. When packing, remember that modesty is the theme for ministry of any kind.  You are on the front lines of missions, representing Christ. Go against culture and don't draw attention to your clothing or body!
□ Girls:  Do not bring shirts that are overly tight or that reveal the waist.  Tank tops must have straps that are one-inch thick. Modest bathing suits are allowed. Short shorts are unacceptable.
□ Guys:  Do not go shirtless unless swimming.  Please make sure that your undergarments are covered at all times. Short shorts are unacceptable.
□ Make sure you bring comfortable shoes for long days of walking.
Please pack light as accommodation will be “community living” 
□ Bible, journal, pen, and The Next Mile Goer Guide
□ Sleeping bag, pillow and SINGLE air mattress.  There is no room for mattresses larger than a single.
□ Earplugs to help you sleep at night
□ Toiletries (e.g. soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, sunscreen, flip flops for showering, etc.)
□ Extra money:  $75 is plenty
□ Water bottle (this is VERY important!)
□ Do not bring expensive items such as jewelry or high-end shoes or clothing for safety and security reasons