
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

.ministry assignment.

We have received our ministry assignments for our time in Montreal. We are so blessed for our team to be serving with 2 different churches.

The "Group of Seven" will be working with "L'Intersection" in the community of Terrebonne, alongside a team from Quebec.
This church is very connected with existing organisations in their community and are building relationships and serving in practical ways to open up opportunities to share about Jesus.

Here are some of their prayer requests:
- pray for effective preparation, planning and involvement of the members of L'Intersection
- pray for opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with those you will meet and for the Kingdom's impact through our service projects
- pray that people will come to know God and his love for them
- pray for the different teams that will be serving at l'Intersection
- pray for SOAR participants to connect with people from the church
- pray that your service will have a positive and lasting impact on the community

The Group of Seven will be working with local organizations and community groups helping with practical renos as well as building relationships with people. They will also do some park ministry, connecting with children in the neighbourhood with crafts and games. They will also mix in times of prayer and intercession every day.

The rest of the team will be working alongside Centre Chretien Metropolitain (CCM). It is located in Rosemont- Petite patrie which has one of the highest population densities in the city. While it is predominantly French speaking, there are many immigrants in the neighbourhood, including Hispanic and Italian communities. We will also be working in Pac-Extension which is a low-income neighbourhood mainly made up of immigrant families.

We will work alongside local organisations which provide practical services to the people in these neighbourhoods. We will be doing renos and painting, and maybe even gardening, as well as a day camp for children (most of whom speak French). We'll also spend time in prayer and intercession every day. There will be some times of handing out roses and brochures, as well as park ministry.

Here are some ways you can pray:
- pray that God will provide teammates for Yves (who runs this ministry all year)
- pray that God will prepare the hearts of everyone we will meet
- pray for non-believers to know Jesus
- pray that your service will have a positive impact on the community

Both of our groups will be doing similar types of ministry in slightly different locations, but every evening we will come back together and share about our days together. We look forward to serving God in these ways!

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