
Saturday, July 7, 2012

.ministry week.

I only have a few minutes to update this from my phone, so this may be brief. Please be sure to check our twitter feed for more updates (@EdenGearUp). Let me assure the parents of students in the group of seven that they will come home as expert cleaners and gardeners. They worked mainly with an organization called The Hut which was a house for families who are in need of a place o stay while they try to find other housing. They worked really hard, and it was so rewarding to see the fruits of their labour right away. Today they had a park day where they face painted, made balloon animals, and ajosiah was an adorable clown on stilts! The four square group was dispersed into four different community organizations for the first few days this week. They cleaned, organized, sorted clothes and food and office supplies, and did day camp. We also had the opportunity to make and hand out sandwiches to homeless people. We all had some great conversations with some people and got to pray with and for a few of them. We delivered flyers to the houses around CCM, which was a great cardio workout climbing all those stairs! We also gave away free roses and were able to bless and pray for many people. Today we gave away free water, brochures, pamphlets, books, and Bibles at a metro stop (in a neighbourhood where many immigrants live). We had some awesome connections ther as well. I have been continually impressed with everyone's willingness and joy at striking up conversations with people to share the faith, hope, and love of Jesus. I think a highlight for most of the team was worshipping on Mount Royal. We were able to bless a group of people there who were celebrating the birthday of a friend of theirs who had been murdered a few months ago. They were so grateful for us. It was also great to see the Manafos (who are with the church we served last year). Please pray for us over the next few days as we say goodbye to our churches and process what god has been doing this past week


  1. Thanks for the update, we will keep praying for you and the team, and we love seeing pics of our kids in action.
    Kelly (Hope's mom)

  2. you are invited to follow my blog

  3. Definitely praying for all of you especially over the next few days.
    The people in Montreal are grateful for you and so are we!

    "I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3
